Business Marketing



KIM ELTON, Creative Director Strut Media Group

I recently started working with a company called INPROHEAT Industries (Industrial Process Heat Engineering). They’re a Western Canadian Engineering firm that specializes in designing and deploying thermal energy and processing equipment for large industrial applications. Their clients are in Mining, Pulp and Paper, Gas and Oil–that sort of thing–big industrial systems, boilers, heaters and the like.

I updated my LinkedIN profile to show that I’m now hosting a Video News Program we’ve developed for Inproheat called “The Ignition Report.” LinkedIN immediate sent out a notice to my contacts that I have a new job! Which is true I suppose but I haven’t abandoned my job at Strut Media Group either — a bit confusing, but I’m very pleased to be working with Inproheat for a simple reason; they get what it means to promote your industry, not just your company. We talked to them about creating a voice for the company that would speak for their industry, a voice of leadership that would promote their entire network of partners, suppliers and clients. They immediately got it because that is just what they have been doing for 56 years now, just not using the Internet and social media. It was an easy conversation because they have already established a reputation for respect and integrity. INTEGRITY, that’s what we found in great abundance from the management at Inproheat in their approach to promoting the company.

We all know the value of integrity in business. If you’re looking for long term relationships, integrity is an essential ingredient required on both sides of the table to a build a successful, mutually beneficial partnership. We all look for integrity in relationships of course, but many don’t think about this particular value when it comes to marketing and advertising. We forget, or don’t even consider the value of integrity in marketing communications. It’s not that we set out to be deceitful or dishonest but so much of this genre is of the “Brag and Boast” sort. We feel obliged to take this approach to drum up business and that’s OK as far as it goes. But there is a longer game that is played by companies that want to build client relationships that will endure for many, many years. Inproheat is coming up on 60 years in business now and still maintains supplier and partner relationship that began in the early 1950’s.

So when we began talking to them about developing an online video news program that would speak for the entire thermal energy industry in North America, not just their own company, they immediately got it! Of course the ultimate strategy of the program is to raise awareness for Inproheat, but this plan fit their own principled approach to the way they have succeeded in business for 56 years now. They have always promoted their suppliers and contributed to the industry they work in. An excellent recent example was a 3 day conference and series of seminars they sponsored in Saskatoon Saskatchewan last month inviting suppliers from all over North America to participate and present their technologies and process advancements to local Western Canadian mining industries.

Inproheat footed the entire bill and hosted a dinner party for all of the participating companies on the 2nd day of the event. Smart marketing? You bet! Smart networking? Double down on that bet! The intent was pure and the integrity evident. Inproheat management knows that when you promote your industry and your partners and stakeholders every one wins. “Givers Get” as the saying goes and there is no doubt that Inproheat will get a great deal of well deserved recognition that will elevate and sustain their profile and brand within the thermal energy industry in Western Canada and throughout North America.

The Ignition Report team was their to capture video interviews with presenters and share their messages through the channel as well. Now that’s how you “IGNITE” your network and build your brand and profile with integrity.

The mandate of The Ignition Report is to promote 
Efficiency and Responsibility throughout the industry. 
That’s integrity. That’s smart marketing.

Congratulations Inproheat, and thanks for the new job!

Ignition Report Interview with president Steve Panz 
”About The Ignition Report.”

By |December 1st, 2014|Video Marketing, Videos|Comments Off on IGNITE YOUR NETWORK

Be Remembered

KimHeadShot4-200I talk a good deal about personal branding in my writing. At Strut Media Group, I get to meet and interview a lot of business people and learn about their careers and companies. It’s fun and rewarding. The Video News Channels we create and produce for our clients are intended to promote their organizations, and the objective is always a marketing goal; to raise awareness, build the image of the company, get the news out about the company’s activities and drive inquiries.

The most effective interviews – and ones that are the most interesting to watch – are the conversations that go beyond the news of the company and get into the personal insights of the individual delivering the information.

Recently I was talking to a client about doing an Executive Profile for him – a one-on-one Charlie Rose-style interview – and he asked; “Well what would we talk about?”

I gave him a brief response about the format of the program and the PR value of this type of content, not only for his organization but also for his personal brand. Later, I decided to follow up with an email to give him a more in-depth explanation.

Here’s what I wrote:

Dear Friend,
With your many years of experience, you have achieved a deep understanding of your business and the industries and people it serves. It goes beyond the nuts and bolts of what you sell. Your perspective and understanding have a broader context. In these interviews, we like to get the opinions and insights of the individual beyond the mandate of the company they work for.

We like to get personal in a business context. What does your background and life experience bring to the work you do? Do you have any short stories that illustrate and illuminate your perspective on certain issues or the industry in general? What was it like in the past? How has that changed? What does the future hold? What are your hopes and expectations – for the industry, your company, your family and perhaps the solidarity you hold for the rest of the people on the planet we all live on?

The idea is not to get too sentimental of course, but these are the questions that lie behind everything we do in business. It’s these values, perspectives and insights that have an engaging effect on an audience because they go deeper than the profits and bottom lines that business discussions can often dwell on. It’s about telling your story rather than pitching your product or business.

Having this perspective in mind as you think about your interview will keep your thoughts focused and help to guide the direction of the conversation.

I look forward to doing this interview with you. Let’s arrange a time soon.



I have seen how this type of personally delivered content is more engaging, more memorable and more effective as a result. It all comes down to our basic human desire to be remembered. We all want to be remembered and that is, interestingly, the ultimate objective of good marketing.

Be Remembered.

Thank you for your time.

By |September 22nd, 2014|Personal Branding, Video Marketing|Comments Off on Be Remembered

Business is Personal

You’ve heard this expression before: “You know it’s not personal, it’s just business”

When you here that, the first thing you do know is you’re about to get cheated out of something. It’s a cop out and it’s just plain dumb. Because few things are more personal than your business. What you do for a living is part of who you are. It defines you as a person to a large degree and when someone meets you for the first time, one of the first things they want to know is what you do for a living, because it tells them a lot about you.

And the reverse is also true. When someone is considering investing in your company, buying your service or product they are already well on their way to making a purchase decision. They probably already know a great deal about your company, your services, your products. What they want to know now is, who YOU are. Why?


Don’t make the mistake that many otherwise smart people in business do and say “It’s not about me. Our product, our company speaks for itself” Nonsense! People buy from people. Not companies. Promote yourself and build your own unique personal brand.

Because YOU are your best competitive edge. Business is personal.

By |August 31st, 2014|Personal Branding, Video Marketing|0 Comments