When you’re making a business presentation you’re selling something.
Whether it’s a formal presentation in front of a crowd or in a one-on-one situation.
Think about it. When you’re engaging someone in a business situation in the back of your mind you’re always thinking: What’s my opportunity here? Am I the spider or the fly in this situation? Is she selling me, or can I get my pitch in and close on a sale, or get to the next step with this contact? We’ve always got our product or service top of mind. That’s our focus. That’s OK but it’s a mistake to lead with that in mind.
We all know the adage that business is built on relationships. You have to establish that relationship first, and that’s about putting your best foot forward and your personal brand. Now, I’m not really telling you something you don’t already know. But are you conscious of it? And do you inject your personal brand into your meetings and presentations – a little something that is unique or different about you. Once they’re sold on you. Selling your product is easy. Unless of course your product sucks, but that’s another matter.
Sell Your Story and you’ll sell your service.
I did a short video you may find of interest about how we at Strut Media Group help business professionals use the power of News and Story Telling to sell their services. You’ll find it HERE
Thank you for your valuable time.